kwon estonia

  • branding /
  • website /
  • print


dynamic martial arts essence

Kwon’s branding fuses a deep blue gradient with light blue to capture the essence of Taekwondo. The broken shield element symbolizes defense and resilience, key traits in martial arts.


gateway to martial arts world

Kwon’s website is a comprehensive digital platform showcasing their expertise in Taekwondo. Its dynamic design mirrors the energy and discipline of the martial art, offering detailed insights into their services and philosophy.


visual representation of taekwondo

Kwon’s print materials, including posters, business cards, and branded merchandise like bottles, backpacks, and hoodies, reflect the discipline and spirit of Taekwondo, blending functionality with the martial art’s ethos.

Viktor Jakovlev brand design

Jorka Gahokidze website design

Mila Popova brandbook & merch design

Roman Ustinov development

Ilya Grytsayev development

Anton Gritsyuk qa & management

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