bunker partner

  • branding /
  • website /
  • digital /
  • print


vivid energy

Bunker Partner’s branding features a palette of turquoise, orange, and warm yellow. Elements like a white droplet, tri-color stripes, and oranges symbolize their dynamic and fresh approach to business.


corporate digital hub

Bunker Partner’s website serves as a comprehensive corporate platform, reflecting their industry presence and expertise.


branded essentials

From calendars to hoodies, backpacks, and gift bags with tea and mugs, Bunker Partner’s print materials are designed to resonate with their brand identity.


engaging visuals

Bunker Partner’s digital presence is enhanced through webinar covers, presentation slide designs, and photo editing, all echoing their brand’s energy and vision.

Viktor Jakovlev brand & website design

Jorka Gahokidze entire design

Mila Popova entire design

Roman Ustinov development

Sergey Vikulov development

Ilya Gritsaev development

Anton Gritsyuk сontent management, QA

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