
  • marketing /
  • branding /
  • website /
  • digital /
  • print


defining precision in consultancy

For Magrat, a company synonymous with precision and expertise, our branding strategy weaves together their multifaceted services into a cohesive visual narrative that speaks of professionalism and trust.


the portal to expertise

Our web design for Magrat reflects their commitment to excellence and accessibility, providing a seamless digital experience for clients seeking legal and financial guidance, framed by the rich hues of their brand palette.


tangible excellence

We extend Magrat’s brand essence into the physical realm with print materials that embody the company’s high standards and attention to detail, utilizing a color scheme that conveys both depth and clarity.


amplifying the message of mastery

Our marketing approach for Magrat amplifies their expertise in corporate and individual consultancy through targeted campaigns that resonate with an international clientele, reinforcing their position as industry thought leaders.


innovating client engagement

Magrat’s digital presence, crafted by us, integrates the latest in AI design and multimedia content to engage and inform their audience, showcasing their services with innovative and interactive solutions.

Viktor Jakovlev brand & website design

Jorka Gahokidze entire design

Mila Popova entire design

Roman Ustinov development

Sergey Vikulov development

Ilya Gritsaev development

Olga Rodina project management, business analysis

Anton Gritsyuk сontent management, QA

Alina Astapenka QA

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